Innovative Research Insights combines expert evaluation and consulting services with strategic planning and program development to help organizations maximize their impact and achieve their goals. Our unique approach integrates Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) principles into every aspect of our work, ensuring that our clients’ initiatives are both effective and inclusive. Our services include:

Strategic Planning: At Innovative Research Insights, we help organizations develop and refine their strategic plans to align with their mission, vision, and values. We facilitate strategic planning processes that engage diverse stakeholders, analyze internal and external factors, and set clear, achievable objectives. Our tailored approach ensures that your strategic plan is both ambitious and feasible, positioning your organization for long-term success.

Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning: Our team of experienced professionals offers comprehensive evaluation and consulting services, including Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) with a DEI lens. We work closely with your organization to assess the performance, impact, and sustainability of your programs and projects, providing actionable insights to inform decision-making and enhance your initiatives

DEI Assessment and Integration: At Innovative Research Insights, we understand the importance of fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of your organization. Our DEI assessment services examine your policies, practices, and culture to identify areas for improvement and develop actionable recommendations. We support you in integrating DEI principles throughout your organization, ensuring that your initiatives are responsive, inclusive, and equitable.

Program Development: Our program development services focus on designing innovative, evidence-based interventions that address pressing challenges and meet the needs of diverse communities. We work with your team to develop a Theory of Change or logic model, identify appropriate strategies and activities, and establish performance indicators to track progress. By integrating DEI principles, we ensure that your programs are inclusive and responsive to the unique needs and experiences of your target population.

Analysis of Impediments: Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing studies are comprehensive evaluations conducted by jurisdictions receiving funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to identify and address barriers to fair housing choice. These barriers can include discriminatory practices, such as steering, redlining, and exclusionary zoning, as well as systemic barriers like zoning regulations that limit access to affordable housing. By identifying and addressing these impediments, AI assessments help promote diverse and inclusive communities, ensure access to essential resources like education, healthcare, and employment, and demonstrate compliance with federal regulations.

Capacity Building and Training: We offer capacity building and training services to strengthen your organization’s capabilities in evaluation, strategic planning, and program development. Our customized workshops and training sessions cover various topics, including MEL, DEI, strategic planning best practices, and program design principles. Our goal is to empower your team with the skills and knowledge necessary to drive lasting impact.

Contact Innovative Research Insights today to discuss how our evaluation, strategic planning, and program development services can support your journey towards a more successful, inclusive, and equitable future.